Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I know it's hard, and most of us are not used to doing this, but we have to carve a few minutes out of our days to pay attention to what is going on in Washington. Then we have to take some action.

Gone are the days when we could be complacent about what is happening in Congress; gone are the days when there was some sort of balance of power in Washington that insured against us lurching too far radically left or right.

Now WE must act - sadly, there is nobody in Congress to protect us from this radical agenda.

Nancy Pelosi has rammed a bill through committee and wants to schedule it for a floor vote THIS FRIDAY.

It is called HR2454 and has been referred to as Cap and Trade, but call it what you will, it is another attempt by the federal government to control our free market society.

It will put limits on industrial production, under the control of federal bureaucrats and politicians. Those who exceed arbitrary, federally mandated, "caps" will be forced to buy "credits."

It is really just a tax, with no ceiling, that can be raised or lowered at the whim of the government.What it will mean to you is higher prices, across-the-board, for food and energy.

We are slowly and systematically being taxed to death, but when we go to our graves poor, leaving our children and grandchildren nothing but debt, we can go secure in the knowledge that our sacrifices have made the planet a fraction of one degree cooler than it might have been.

People who have never run so much as a lemonade stand will effectively control our economy, under the guise of protecting our planet from "global warming."The greatest nation in the history of the world, the United States of America, is being torn down, piece by piece, by a messianic

President and a complicit, veto-proof Congress. If we fail to make our voices heard now...well, let's just say that time is running short. Gone are the days where we could let somebody else take care of it. To paraphrase: If not us - nobody. If not now - never.

Stop what you're doing and pick up the phone. Call one, or all, of these numbers, and express your feelings. Do not try to debate the merits of the issue, they will only spin and obfuscate.

Simply say: "I want to urge Congressman McMahon to vote NO on HR2454 - Cap and Trade. We DO NOT need more federal regulation. I am paying attention to the Congressman's voting record, and he WILL NOT GET MY VOTE if he continues to vote for excessive federal power."

Here are the numbers:
Rep. McMahon, Michael [D]Washington, DC 323 Cannon HOB Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: (202) 225-3371 Fax: (202) 226-1272
Staten Island 265 New Dorp Lane, 2nd Fl Staten Island, NY 10306 Phone: (718) 351-1062 Fax: (718) 980-0768Brooklyn
8505 4th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 Phone: (718) 630-5277 Fax: (718) 630-5388

Then you can write. Here is what I have written; you can re-word it any way you like, and then FAX it or send it via his Contact Page.

Dear Congressman McMahon;I am writing to urge you to vote NO on HR2454. This is poor legislation based on junk science, and is antithetical to a free market society.Reasonable regulations are of course necessary to maintain the health of our planet, but this bill, like so many others coming out of this Congress, shifts too much control of the economy to federal bureaucrats and politicians.When our industrial base experiences increases in the cost of doing business due to excessive regulation, those higher costs inevitably trickle down through the economy and impact the family budget. HR2454 will have a dampening effect on an already sluggish economy, and consumer spending will grow ever weaker.At a time when many Americans are struggling financially, the unintended consequence of this bill will be an across the board tax increase.HR2454 is BAD for America and BAD for your constituency. We are paying attention, Congressman, and will closely examine your voting record when we make decisions in November of 2010.

Frank Santarpia

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